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Holly Papaleonardos, Upper Arlington, OH Jennine & Stacy prepared on short notice for us a terrific gluten-free meal for 10 on a particularly busy Fathers Day.
The exceptional menu -- featuring Macadamia Nut Crusted Salmon, Cumin Roasted Cauliflower, Mediterranean Quinoa, and Rosemary Fans -- was praised and truly enjoyed by all our guests, even those whose health doesn't dictate careful attention to a gluten-free diet.
Set up was polished & precise, with a speedy entrance & exit leaving just enough time for me thank them for their superb work.
"Taste Of The Best Catering" is in possession of an impressive culinary imagination, a discriminating palate appreciative of nuanced flavors, and an eye for attention to every presentation detail. Accomplished & professional, they are worthy of consideration.
Verified by Thanked! • Sun, 16-Jun-2013 via Web
The exceptional menu -- featuring Macadamia Nut Crusted Salmon, Cumin Roasted Cauliflower, Mediterranean Quinoa, and Rosemary Fans -- was praised and truly enjoyed by all our guests, even those whose health doesn't dictate careful attention to a gluten-free diet.
Set up was polished & precise, with a speedy entrance & exit leaving just enough time for me thank them for their superb work.
"Taste Of The Best Catering" is in possession of an impressive culinary imagination, a discriminating palate appreciative of nuanced flavors, and an eye for attention to every presentation detail. Accomplished & professional, they are worthy of consideration.