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Clay Lomakayu: Medicine of One Shaman Journeys Arizona AZ

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Jean Marie, Clearing to Clariry
For all of the ones who want to feel the freedom to be who they know they are truly inside.
To allow themselves to experience a life they dream of, no holds barring.
To feel the ultimate peace of mind, body, Spirit.
Wed, 14-Apr-2021 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
Jean Marie, Clearing to Clarity
I need to express my experience to all who want a release from whatever is keeping them back from experiencing the Life they have dreamed of for themselves.
I have lived a lifetime of wanting, and with Clay Lomakayu through the Shaman Journey, I have welcomed this change to my true self in life, where I want to be.
I am in gratitude and sincerity to all the Spirits and Clay that helped me to fulfill my Journey in Peace and Love.

& My friendship to know Sundance and Beauty, who helped me to open to Love.
Wed, 14-Apr-2021 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
Takefumi Hirai, Sedona, AZ
Seeing Clay is a Highly Recommend!!

Recent unfortunate events brought anger, fear, and anxieties into my life. I could not reach these emotions myself due to confusion.

After a 3 hour session - they were resolved.

Highly recommend a session with Clay. You will feel different afterward.

Takefumi Hirai
Mon, 11-Jan-2021 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
Kristopher Joy, Washington
Why does one seek out such as Clay?
Because one is not content.

Clay will not fix you.
Because you are not broken.

Clay will help you to realize this.
To become whole.

Such is my experience.
Fri, 27-Nov-2020 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
Walker Bird, The Bird Law Firm, Kansas City, Missouri
Clay does amazing work! I can’t thank him enough for the Vision Quest! His Soul Journey at the beginning of the Vision Quest for me was incredibly insightful...even quoting words from a childhood tormentor without any sharing by me about that situation or the words. He is very direct, makes no pretense and is honest. His combination of techniques is unique and nuanced. I have shared my session with my therapist and she was floored by how useful the work had been. If you are coming to do some real work, then Clay is highly recommended. He is the real deal. I am sincerely grateful for knowing him.
Sun, 18-Oct-2020 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
John Weiss, ZABBA Creations
Hi Clay! I just wanted to drop you a note to say THANK YOU for such a remarkable Soul Journey with you! It was life changing! I came away with a renewed sense of purpose and direction, and feel much lighter. I met with a very skilled intuitive friend upon return, and she said the energy around me is definitely clearer! The door is open and I'm ready to walk through! Just a matter of working through a little bit of old dark matter at the bottom of my heart, but she said just to continue to “flow” and it will eventually dissipate and re-integrate on its own… I am trying to practice my new mantra “With the breath of the sky, I caress my fear and flow”! BTW – Our Shared Dream involving a hawk, and then actually manifesting a hawk (or Peregrine falcon) right over our heads at the Sacred Circle was AMAZING! I think I have a new Spirit Animal! Thank you!
Sun, 08-Dec-2019 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
John Weiss, ZABBA Creations
BIG THANK YOU to Clay for such a remarkable Soul Journey experience! It was life changing! I came away with a renewed sense of purpose and direction, and feel much lighter as well as having more tools for clearing any remaining stagnant energy. According to a very skilled intuitive friend upon return, and she said the energy around me was definitely clearer, with the exception of a little bit of old dark matter at the bottom of my heart, but she said just to continue to “flow” and it will eventually dissipate and re-integrate on its own… My new mantra: "With the breath of the sky, I caress my fear and flow". The Journey was so remarkable, a hawk was manifested right over our heads in the Sacred Circle just as we were discussing the conclusion of our shared dream - which was of course a Hawk! Powerful! The experience was invaluable in assisting me in my shamanic journey, and am now cleared of long-held energetic baggage! Oh, and a new Spirit Animal! Thanks again! :)
Mon, 18-Nov-2019 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
Cindy Wells, Boston
It all started with a "knowing" when I saw a picture of you. That was the start of an amazing journey that would lift me higher than I could ever imagine. We went to the circle in early May. I waited to write this until today, July 4th, as the culmination of my life's work to heal from a multitude of traumas is celebrated on this INDEPENDENCE DAY!

Clay, the time we spent in person and electronically since my return from Sedona has profoundly changed my existence. Yes, I have done many years of work to heal through a variety of modalities, but you helped me move a very significant piece.The souvenir of my time with you in the circle was the most precious gift of all: LOVING MYSELF UNCONDITIONALLY!

My transformation has been deeply ingrained by many "tests" that show me my true strength and grit. I welcome these with open arms, as it forges the steel of my transformation and shatters the walls.

Thu, 04-Jul-2019 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
Trevor Yelich, Calgary, AB
Blessings for you, your work, and all that you gift to this world. It has made a marked difference for myself, my family, and my clients.
Sun, 14-Apr-2019 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
Mahatma Revier, Spirit Coaching
It was the third time in ten years that I went into the wilderness with Clay.
Each time was an unforgettable experience for me.
He knows the most sacres places to visit and he also knows to touch your inner soul and whatever blocks you from living your authenticity fully.
I am gratefull for the chance to be with hi,.

Mahatma Revier
The Netherlands
Tue, 26-Mar-2019 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
Cecile, France
Doing the Vision Quest has been a challenge but as I was "guided" to you through internet, discovering the Medecine of One and looking at your videos, I was sure whatever would happen, it would be an important step in my life.
The work done during the quest about feeling fear but at the same time feeling my resources, integrated in my medicine circle, is a real key in my life now. The final sentence helps a lot in my day-to-day life and in taking some decisions to listen more to my real self.
The sentence about the spine of my life is also really active in my life. It is already leading me to schedule some new steps in 2019, and as now, I can feel fear while not remaining blocked, I know my growing process with the circle will be really active in 2019. The medecine circle is a real help in my life: integrating the Medecine of One and the Circle, being supported by your caring presence is a real life process to go through what is needed to become who we really are.
Mon, 24-Dec-2018 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
Bruno Tsai, BT Performance and Results / São Paulo - Brazil
Its hard to put in a few words the marvelous feeling and what really happened during the bare bones retreat and even after it. Somehow life brought me to find Clay. And by seeing and listening to what he said on videos, matched so much with my current beliefs, my mindset and my philosophy, and also felt like I could somehow acknowledge that missing part for my life purpose quest.

The experience of the retreat itself made be more aware about "letting flow" instead of "letting go". Everything seems the same in my life, only I don't feel the same anymore. The difference is this awareness of this bigger consciousness. It was always there and I bumped on it sometimes by chance. Now I feel that I can access it anytime and anywhere.

My gratitude for clearing my sight for this marvelous path.

Bruno Tsai
Sat, 27-Jan-2018 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
Naomi, Montreal, QC, Canada
Clay, a profound thanks for the deep transformative work you do. Twice now I've seen you and twice you've cleared deep blockages, performed healing through channelling, shifted significantly my perspective on aspects of my life and have guided me through to the next stage of my life with hope, love and confidence.
Your work is profound, clear and honest and I hold deep appreciation for it and you.
I will see you again next time I'm in AZ.
Sat, 13-Jan-2018 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
Natalie , New Jersey

It's been a week since we met and I have experienced a massive shift. So much of our judgement and treatment of others comes from not facing or accepting aspects of ourselves. And peace is so simple when you realize you are the greater awareness simply observing and accepting the different elements of our personality.

I always thought "inner peace' was unsustainable (the "peaceful" little i would argue with the others making things worse) but being in true balance with The Circle transforms the world around us.

I finally have clarity and peace after a lifetime of mental chaos and it's up to me to maintain that. No more getting uncomfortable with my emotions and seeking a distraction. It's obvious now why I drank myself almost to death when I was young - without self acceptance we are in a state of conflict until we turn and face our shadows with love.

Coming to see you was one of the best decisions I ever made. Much gratitude to you, Sundance and Beauty.
Thu, 11-Jan-2018 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
Hilde Merckx, Belgium
Dear Clay, Sundance and Beauty
Feeling blessed that Universe and Life brought you on my path; I would like to express my gratitude for:
• The safe vision quest in the circle. It was a profound detox for me.
• The sessions in the nature. You know to choose unique places adjusted for each person because you are so harmoniously connected to the land and respectful to every living being.
• Your soul journeys are very personal, intimate, helpful jewels.
As you know Clay, I can’t find a logical explanation for what happened. I just know that I feel more joyful, more focused, more conscious in my own leadership and that I am able to let go the man who had to go. I never expected that I had to go to Arizona, the land you are dedicated too, for such a beautiful shift in me.
For me, the trinity of you are symbolizing Truth, Wisdom and Love.
Thank you Clay, you are really an integer person.
Mon, 06-Nov-2017 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
Christa M. Wilson, Minneapolis
Clay Brought me through a difficult time in my life giving me clarity and a spiritual path that I will always hold dear. I am now able to move through life without suffering, inspite of pain and keep loving and living. Many, many thanks.
Sun, 05-Nov-2017 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
Brianna , Las Vegas
I came to Sedona, Arizona to help heal grief after losing a parent. I was interested in doing some kind of soul journey/emotional healing and found Clays website. I read a couple things and decided to schedule a session.
It has truly been life changing. I learned about emotions,( energy-in-motion) and how to allow them to flow through my body.
I used to feel crippled with anxiety. I used to fear having feelings. Now I have learned that each breath I take connects me to the Universe, and I can breathe my way through anything.
I also really liked that the session was recorded so you could listen back and re hear things.
Thank you again Clay, I look forward to coming again!
Mon, 03-Apr-2017 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
Mike Constantino, California
Clay,rnJust wanted to say thank you so much for facilitating the profound healings this past weekend. I am amazed. I feel much more integrated and whole as a person compared to our first meeting three years ago. Without a doubt the intention of the retreat was met and continues to live forward. I am blown away by the level of freedom I feel in social situations now. The intention of the circle, the spine work and breath work all continue to be tremendously powerful for me.rnI am in a place I have only dreamed about. rnThe path you have taught me continues to allow me to be clear and honor the feelings that I have in life.rnPeace to you always and thank you.rnMikern
Tue, 01-Jul-2014 via Web    Uploaded by Business    VIEW
Karen Ostander, United States
Greetings Clay,

I want to thank you for the time you spent with me this past weekend. I learned so much about myself during our time together. These past couple of days I have been able to put in to practice what you taught me. It is truly amazing how well it works when I stay out of my head & breath downward into my gut and connect with my Soul. I am more present and authentic with my thoughts and feelings.

I know this will take much practice on my part because this is such a new way of "being" for me. However, now that I am aware of what I do,
I'm able to catch myself pretty quickly.

Thank you so much for allowing me to feel so comfortable in your presence, as well as, for your truly lovely voice, laughter, cry and joyful spirit. Thanks for the pics and your music. YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL & POWERFUL VOICE.......with your story woven through it. Love it!

I'll keep in touch. Until then - Karen
Thu, 27-Mar-2014 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
Ron, Santa Cruz
As part of my self discovery "journey," I met with Clay recently and received valuable insight in a couple of places I was really stuck. This helped me along my path if inner discovery and self awareness. I did the "Soul Journey" the 1st day and the "Coming to the Center" 2nd day. It was very valuable for me that Clay was able to put his attention on some of my earliest unhealed past without me telling him the specifics ahead of time. This provided a new focus for my own inner healing work. The second day was spent in the desert. I remember the power of the circle, overlooking the river valley, the quiet but never fully still outdoors where we worked, with the dogs quietly sitting in the shade. There were things he said to me that day that were "just right" - and one comment in particular assisted me with a new focus in an area in my mediation where I had been stuck. He provided an integral "weave" in my tapestry of continued emergence and self awakening.

Sat, 04-Jan-2014 via Web    Verified by Thanked!    VIEW
I am grateful to all the people I work with. You comments and feedback are much appreciated and can help others choose what is best for them. Lomakayu

Contact Clay Lomakayu: Medicine of One Shaman Journeys Arizona AZ



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